Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down
(: CHIJ Sec TP
(:one four 08
(:two four 09
(:loves chocolates esp milk chocolate
):hates dark chocolate
(:loves rollerblading
):hates ice skating cos nai told me ur fingers will get cut off

hook me up
alicia cait c cait f cezanne chelsey desiree dinis esther gwen justina kathleen mel michelle nai naomi shimada tiffy boo venessa wei ting gym One Four
scream your lungs
scary flashbacks
February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009
its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
Sunday, September 27, 20099:32 PM
end of year is here!!! =( in 2 weeks i havent really started my revision =( only like what i do during tuition. =( DRAMA ON TUESDAY!!! i love u sylvia (foo)!!! sorry for spoiling ur book :P i need 77 for science just to get a A2 =( quite impossible for me my science is barely passing :( and i need 72.5 for maths to get A2 if im not wrong... the rest i couldnt be bothered to culculate...haha...han yu ur a evil baboon! dont ask me why.u should know :P cant wait for EOYs to be over even though that will be results :( oh well im not in a typing mood so byes!i LOVE sylvia and nai! :D

patch things up and fix my heart
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kingsly at play :)
Thursday, July 23, 20099:39 PM
haha today after school was so funny kingsly was playing at the playground and she got stuck at the slide! then she scared the small kids hahaha i kept my promise and dint put the pics on facebook :) and she couldnt jump down the playground :( we were standing there and laughing! jermaine has the video haha

canceled my tuition :) but i went to check my eye :( i have to wear specs but i dint make it :p my myopia is back :( hope it will go away again haha anyway ate sushi tei! SO NICE i ate too much :( my stomach is still super bloated!!! my broher ordered the salt ice cream IT ACTUALLY TASTED NICE! its like a litttle salty then got a super nice cream taste :) like vanilla ice cream! i ate the weird ice ball its so nice :) i like the strawberry one :p maybe my fringe was blocking so my eye seem bad :)

afew pics of kingsly at the playground :)

happy memories never fade.
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im going to try and revive my blog =)
Monday, July 6, 20097:25 PM
just went for NDP rehearsal 3 I WANT THE BAGS especially the yellow and light green one =) its nice =p but i find it so weird we go there at 4 pm and we have 3 hours of nothing to do =( we were looking at the army guys then narelle was taking a pic of the trees behind them and they thought she was taking pics of them so funny and i saw some of them smiling back so hillarious! took so many pics of the sun =)

you dont know how much i love u

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Monday, June 8, 200910:56 PM
sorry dint post for so long. madam nicole thong pester me to post =(

i hate the museum!!! its so dark and they make it so eerie!!! i was clinging onto naomi (shimada) then chloe and brit wanted to go to that red eerie place then i made them go another place xD then we thought the place was a deadend but it wasnt cause they make the stupid wall black! until brit went to the wall to check if it was a dead end then she was like its not a dead end then we went on and found the place YAY and i hate the museum they play the construction work sound forever its irritating. i took so many pics of the thing cause i was lazy to do there then i video-ed the video thing and suddenly the camera went off! i hold there for so long for nothing =( then after that we went to the exit and i realise it was so near the place we were at! i was telling naomi why never tell me the exit was so near i could have dashed out then she laugh at me =( then after that we walked to plaza sing and we got lost at SMU. we were like isit here or there? then we wanted to take a cab and we couldnt even flag a cab! then we gave up and walk to where we thought it was. then i was like oh oh oh i think its here the further down there. then we were looking for that mr bean shop. then naomi spotted cathay and i found the covered walk place. then we went to plaza sing and naomi crossed the road when the traffic guy said dont walk. then brit couldnt eat dinner with us =( we went to pastamania to eat =) mine and chloe's was SUPER SPICY! we dint finsh and she bit on a chilli.haha.then we went to quiksilver and we were looking around.then chloe suggested we go ACTION CITY =) i bought a breadou then naomi bought the crocodile snapping thing and a breadou.then chloe left and we bought yami yogurt =) i like the peach =D then we were standing in the middle of the path eating (there was a signboatd so we actually dint block). we took the mrt and realise we took the wrong train so we got out at raffles and ran to the opposite. then we were laughing cause we took the wrong train. then when we reacht he next stop we realise it was tanjong pagar and i was like tanjong pagar? i dun remember going pass that place. then we saw that we were on the wrong line it was green! then we dash out take the same thing to city hall and we got lost there. we should be at the middle platform and we ended up at the lowest 1. we finally reach the place and we went to action city again xD NAOMI SHIMADA I WANT TO KILL U! U TRICK ME INTO PRESSING THAT THING! anyway i bought another breadou and i bought that pen thing to write on it =) then i bought the crocodile thing and also the trick thing xD so fun i tricked my dad and my maid =)

tomorrow going chloes house do project =) get to play with the radish and stuff =p CANT WAIT YAY
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Friday, May 22, 20096:33 PM
SO FUN TODAY!!! the ward death wasnt scary compared to that candy house gone wrong!!! i screamed all the way out and i only got 4 sweets! kathleen and kirthikaa got so many!!! and i made kathleen drop some =p i pull her shirt then her sweets drop from her shirt xD so fun! i made nai deaf =p and i was screaming like crazy! but so fun =D then the ward death i was screaming alot also then denise says i scream like the hollywood person see a monster then scream :O my throat is sore from screaming! then at the piano part me and jia hui fell! =p then the person came crawling after us i was screaming and running away.super scary!!! :( and we also went to the throw cream onto the persons face one so fun xD the rajali person (dunno how to spell her name) splashed kathleen, nai and fu with water then me and kirthikaa ran away =p then we went back have revenge =p her face full of the cream! XD super fun =D then me and fu tried to play the burst the balloon thing and we couldnt! the satay stick not even sharp! D:


beatrice and me~

the scary candy house :(


fiesta was fun!
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happy belated birthday aunty~narelles mum~
Sunday, May 17, 200912:01 PM
OMG ANGELS AND DEMONS IS SO NICE!!!!! but that camerlengo person so evil!!! >:( and i like that computer in the swiss guard office! so nice it pops out of the desk!!! and narelle and i were predicting how the person will die then i was right! yays =p narelle dint laugh at the not funny part =( but she laugh at the ending =( so mean! >:(

we ate pepper lunch for dinner and her mum bought me mrs fields! SO YUMMY!! and narelle bought the same wallet as me~but hers in black. then we have the best friends forever necklace and another necklace thats almost the same but hers is black mines purple. then narelles mum saw her colleagues and went into toast box. then we followed in and narelle banged her leg against the table! xD then we were taking pics of the weird guy behind our table. he had make up on! then we went home and we told aunty about the uncle wong story and all the other 2 stories.

YAY tomorrow going kino with nai :) can go book shopping xD YAYS


i love angels and demons!!!

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Wednesday, May 13, 20098:05 PM
): the heart in the title should be broken :(
maths paper 1 was SO EASY and the stupid paper 2 suddenly become SO HARD :(
hope paper 1 help me get my score up =D aiming for A1!!! and i have to beat *ahem ahem* naomi force me :( NO MORE EXAMS YAY XDXDXD

and narelles asking me whether her font changed when it didnt :O she actually had the patience to downloade the font throught some website, then save it in the documents, then i double click the icon then the thing open then click extract. Then save in the C-drive then click and drag from c-drive to control panel(copied from the convo). dint know she had the patience!!! :O so amazing!!! and i must be so exact tell her fairywings-tink.blogspot.com still need type the http:// for her!!!lazy bum! NARELLE GO NATIONAL TEAM I WANT TO POKE UR ABS!

and today was so fun!went plaza sing and keep seeing kirthikaa's sister everywhere! and then ate lunch at kopitiam and fufu's pepper lunch was so nice!!!and there was a weird guy talking to himself so weird!he scared a person away xD then every1 finished except kirthikaa and then the aunty wanted to clear it kirthikaa was like er.. wait awhile when she only had a half eaten wanton! then the aunty was laughing xD 17 AGAIN IS SO NICE XD love the movie!!! then kirthikaa scared everyone she went for almost the whole movie :( she vomited!!! :(((((( GET WELL SOON KIRTHIKAA!!!


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