Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down
(: CHIJ Sec TP
(:one four 08
(:two four 09
(:loves chocolates esp milk chocolate
):hates dark chocolate
(:loves rollerblading
):hates ice skating cos nai told me ur fingers will get cut off

hook me up
alicia cait c cait f cezanne chelsey desiree dinis esther gwen justina kathleen mel michelle nai naomi shimada tiffy boo venessa wei ting gym One Four
scream your lungs
scary flashbacks
February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009
its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
Friday, February 27, 20098:33 PM
happy birthday narelle lee booby baba :)

im the nicest! the only 1 that gave u a present :) and its a soft toy and its PURPLE!
the card's so awesome right? xD
tomorrows cezannes!
then sundays sheryl!
cezanne! like my present? :) dont eat it :)
cezanne u evil person dint give me a present! ur not cool :)

today gym was better than wed :)
but narelle had to leave early! >:(
so evil leave me alone!
tomorrow got CIP :) 4 hours!YAY!
going with narelle :)
planning to do with chloe brittany and naomi :)
we're going to cook! heheh poison! xD
as long as its not the home econs tap water can already xP

nainai dint come school today :(
and the attendance paper went missing!
found it on grace table o_o and kirthikaa said it was on bhavanis!

2/4! remember submit the duty roster groups by monday :)
if not have to lucky draw!so fun! its 1st come 1st serve as in which week u want to do in like u want to be 1st in the class to start duty or last or middle or any weird number :) there will be 7 groups so 7 weeks to choose from :) remember to submit :)

bye :)

presents and presents and presents and presents galore! :)
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im quiting
Wednesday, February 25, 20098:33 PM

gym was horrible! conditioning was so tiring :( then have the same xjt problem...i want to quit xjt! i dont care if im not competing i just dont want to be in group! so tiring always got 1 person absent seldom got whole team here! talked to lao shi, and she say she consider! :( can only know next wednesday! 1 week of suspense :( hope i can quit :) so stupid! why must lao shi take so long to think! she put me into xjt i will still try to quit!haha narelle has to compete against siow pin as usual :)

bye! need to do project and study for chinese CA :(

projects after projects
tests after tests
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busy busy busy
Tuesday, February 24, 20098:54 PM

CCA takes up 3 days tuition takes up 3 days, 1 relax day which is taken up by CIP this weekend and next weekend :( going to do with chloe and brittany :) but apparently brittany needs to see if she can change her tuition and pon her cathetism classes! brittany and her tuition always cant change one :( hope the CIP still got space for we 3 :) if not must wake up early in the morning :(

so many projects due same time :( geog done, ep due thursday, history done and all due during exams! :( tomorrow got lit exam the only one who forgot :( i wrote so little notes for that the knife i wrote more :) hope that comes out for streaming :) thursday got chinese CA then next wednesday got home econs :( chinese i will fail :( home econs maybe B4 :) can pass can already :)

today made sponge cake! SO YUMMY eventhough i dint put vanilla essence =x still so nice :) nainai go add hers last minute then the top part looks weird :O todays home econ was weird! she dint ask us to hurry! :) and our food turn out so nice :) maybe cause we dint use the horrible tap water :) pe was horrible!got hit 3 times on my head 1 time on my throat and knee! so rough!!! :( and the running was bad! me and justina walked the 8 rounds :) yay next week tuesday no pe and home econs :) but cant cook apple crumble till next next week :(

bye! homework time :(

worms are smart :)
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childish person alert?
Monday, February 16, 200910:09 PM
ok...that was so childish!
pretend to be nainai and spam ppl...
y dont u jus write ur name...
so no courage...
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wish come true~
Sunday, February 15, 20098:06 PM
their omelette adult size is like the kid size last time!
and theres like no cheese one :(
and the ham is pathetic!
cheat my money:[ (my parents actually :] )

yay got a new wallet :)
my mummy bought me a new wallet for my belated bday present :)
yay~going to use it tomorrow :)
but its white :( hope it doesnt get dirty so fast

after that went chinese tuition :(
i was day dreaming in class and edlyn kept making the heart shape thing
then the letter writing was bad i anyhow wrote!
going to die next week :(

then after the boring tuition...
went to my grandmas house!
my cousin was telling me about AJC canteen...SO FUNNY
she was like the noodle stall can queue super long one!
the auntie and uncle cooking half way can quarrel then shout here shout there
and they wont cook
then everyone in the queue will be standing there listening...
and the western stall auntie is very weird...she flirts with the guys!
then the portion the girls get compared to the guys is so different!
i was laughing like crazy!

now have to do geog project with nainai and fufu :(
due tomorrow :(
hope she got the extension for us :)
BYE have to do research on china's population :O

☆ wish upon a star ☆
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Saturday, February 14, 20096:43 PM
happy valentines day to all~
happy birthday to nainai~ur as old as me now :)
remind me to bring ur present on monday :p
dont blame me if i forget xP

today SOMEBODY *ahem* nicole thong *ahem* keep asking me change my blog skin to tinkerbell one
then i say dun wan i go find others u everything quite ok not a single "use this!!!"
kathleen so much better :)
she give straight answer not like somebody xD

yay later going T3 fetch my daddy from australia! :)
can go candy empire! :)
he owes me a present!
hope its a soft toy :)

ღ candies ღ
ღ sweet ღ

ღ chocolates ღ
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Friday, February 13, 20098:58 PM
another blog o_o
bad day to start =(
friday the thirteenth

woke up in the morning and was super sick :(
slept later! :) missed school :)
happy mostly but i missed the scrabble competition :(

and i stayed up yesturday just to write that commonwealth essay! :(

what homework do we have?
see ya~

he loves me.he loves me not.he loves me.he loves me not.he loves me.he loves me not.
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