Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down
(: CHIJ Sec TP
(:one four 08
(:two four 09
(:loves chocolates esp milk chocolate
):hates dark chocolate
(:loves rollerblading
):hates ice skating cos nai told me ur fingers will get cut off

hook me up
alicia cait c cait f cezanne chelsey desiree dinis esther gwen justina kathleen mel michelle nai naomi shimada tiffy boo venessa wei ting gym One Four
scream your lungs
scary flashbacks
February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009
its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
HATE MY SENIOR*note the singular tense
Tuesday, March 31, 20098:15 PM
i've been procrastinating on updating this blog =x
i wanted to do it on saturday then i went to do other stuff.
then i decided to update on sunday and i went tuition and forgot all about it xD

OMG JUST CAUSE ITS HER BDAY SHE THINKS SHES SO GREAT!trying to change our routine to the one she did.venessa and i were like whatever and rolling our eyes xD she make us dont compete i also dont care.another reason to quit =D shes stepping down after comps =) which is in exactly 16 DAYS!but baba/socks will be gone =( no more funny person around to teach me routine =(

so funny! nainai joined the fluffers club xD
and is only has 2 ppl me and her.
and we go fluffing together xD

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Tuesday, March 24, 200910:13 PM
so long never blog already...

so crazy got weird people finding sulis!
then yesturday morning wake up she went missing.
my mum was like what if she go fight that girl the one that always disturb her. what if she got accident.
then mum walked me to bus stop and sulis sent a sms :)
say she go meet her boyfriend!settle something.then end up they broke up. so saddening!
whole day she was so upset like that super scary!

tomorrow got gym again must wear the window leotard :(


theres tests for everything
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Thursday, March 12, 20098:28 PM
but gym training is super long :( 2-630!!! 4hr30mins!!!CAN DIE!!!
and we got test! :( and chloes not coming till friday! evil chloe! always go holiday!
finished maths holiday homework :) left history :) unless tomorrow have more homework :(

today was so funny :) i was photocopying the bulk collection letter then chloe saw the photocopy place the sign was wrong! it said tao payoh and denise said theres a new district :D so funny then went back to class and half the class went to library...i went to find nainai and see teng and found them at the 3rd floor! see tengs a rock! followed them to 2nd floor find ms lim again then went canteen find her then went back to 2nd floor page for her again... then ms koh came talked about gym stuff and she found ms lim for us :) tomorrow must find ms lim again :) maybe nainai can exercise this way :) walk the whole school to find ms lim :)

BYE i go complete science :)

holidays holidays holidays holidays holidays holidays holidays holidays holidays
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bukit timah hike :)
Tuesday, March 3, 20096:30 PM
the hike was fun! and dirty and smelly and tiring!
but the lunch was awesome :) chicken rice!
yay go awesome yeaggs :)
we completed 1st! at 2:45! yay~
fufu was so funny! she kept wanting to pee!
she held her pee all the way from macritchie to bukit timah! so long!
our flag looks nice but it got wet :( if not ours will be so nice!
narelle! we got the jo person! he remembers u!hahah
and then samantha kept going i want to die already i want to die already!super funny!
1st and 2nd to reach from 2/4 :) YAY
we were actually 2nd but the other group got scolded...
then samantha kept going there!there!there!then we finally found the right one!
but we missed out 1 page cause jo wasnt there so we were quite lost :(
I HATE THE RAIN! especially when we were crossing the board walk and the muddy floor!so yucky!
and he gave us the wrong instructions when we at the tower thing! we counted the steps instead :(
then we went onto the road :) so many rubbish!must go pick it up :( my poor umbrella was used to get the rubbish!!! :( then got 1 part we were suppose to find this i love leonard thing on a sign then we were 1st to reach! fufu went to smudge the words xD and she used a leaf!
then fufu was like must be competitive then can survive in this society!
after lunch patricia stepped into this super deep mud pile! her whole shoe became very brown!
chloe i hate u your shoes and LONG pants so clean! mine three quarters and its wet! unfair!
i hate my shoelaces keep getting untied!and make mud onto my leg! :(
very fun except for the rain and the mud and the monkey sound and the insects and the slopes and the water stream and leaves! the leaves so slippery! and the slope so steep!the water stream make it so slippery! the monkey and insects made me paranoid!

go awesome yeaggs!samantha u yantie
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