Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down
(: CHIJ Sec TP
(:one four 08
(:two four 09
(:loves chocolates esp milk chocolate
):hates dark chocolate
(:loves rollerblading
):hates ice skating cos nai told me ur fingers will get cut off

hook me up
alicia cait c cait f cezanne chelsey desiree dinis esther gwen justina kathleen mel michelle nai naomi shimada tiffy boo venessa wei ting gym One Four
scream your lungs
scary flashbacks
February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009
its easy to clap
Layout : materialisti-c
horrible papers!!!
Thursday, April 30, 20095:32 PM
english paper was ok :) the compo was quite terrible but the paper 2 is quite easy :) i think the compo was about a news paper report! the format was easy but my content was horrible i forgot to do interview!!! die!!!i completely forgot about the interview part and wrote crap...then recess was SUPER crowded!!! i only had that tiny bar to eat :( and nicole thong dint let me eat her udon!!! D:<>

OMG CHINESE PAPER WAS SO HARD!!!I LEFT ALMOST THE WHOLE 1ST COMPRE BLANK!and hao lao shi said it was easy...its so hard!so many people want to kill her xD and the letter one was either we do a si han about recession or ask this manager at a bookshop to supply prizes...i did the prizes one :) i think we should get more time for the paper 2! the passage so hard to understand!!!and the compo for the letter writing i completely blanked out and forgot what had to be written my compliments were already in the 2nd para and i was like shit not suppose to be there but i just left it there...I HATE CHINESE!!!i rather she test text book stuff complete faster :) but have to learn :(

dint go for the extra history lesson cos had to go home :( had tuition :( TOMORROWS HOLIDAY YAY :) then sunday got tuition :( eating lunch with edlyn then go tuition xD then have to go out after that :( i want to go home :( anyways HAPPY EARLY MAY DAY PEOPLE XD


a broken heart needs mending
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Tuesday, April 28, 20094:52 PM
so stressed now! maths got so many test papers! D:<>

YAY my home econs PBL got 43.5/60!!! 1st time i beat naomi at home econs!so unbelievable! dont even know how she count the marks! and i still have 4 zhou jis to do by friday. i told kathleen that then she was like but friday no school! then i went oh ya!then i said monday lor and she say monday also no school! why monday no school? any1 know can tell me? im blur! so my zhou ji is due in ONE WEEK INSTEAD YAY! xD

and narelle slipped and fall outside the staff toilet today!!! all cause of me! XD after PE (we ran 2.4!!! SO TIRING!!! nico teo u nvr run at all so unfair) i was so sweaty and i saw narelle going for recess then i went to her and wanted to hug her then she tried to move back and fell! so funny =p and before that was so scary! me and naomi were walking pass the HOD staff room then jo teo came out! our shirts were untucked then we were like shit! then she nvr scold us about the shirt just test us on what to bring tomorrow we were like er...thermometer. so lucky!

tomorrow after exam need to meet miss koh outside 2/6 :( and the timing isnt fixed!:(

BYE i go learn the format for letter

piss someone off and think the person wont be angry...
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gym comp
Sunday, April 19, 20098:20 PM
YAY WE WON 1ST FOR XJT :) and narelle won overall 2nd and she beat siow pin in everything :) sheng lao shi is like OMG THATS A MIRACLE.

siow pin! what happen to ur perfect split jump and lu tiao!!! u deproved alot! who ask u join st nics! >:(

narelle has 5 medals!!! 1st for ball, 2nd for clubs, 3rd for rope, overall team 4th, overall individual 2nd!!! and the fat judge likes her xP wheres the salikin girl? :P

i feel so bad for raffles they should get so much higher! bias judges!!! D:<>

the swensons dinner after that was so fun! natasha and kelly screamed so much xD then we were at another table after we eat we quickly leave make mary ann in trouble for the noise :P another ban from swensons i think.and we put so many 5 cents in the bill book!

i will upload some pics once i transfer them to the com :)

got some pics from naomi:
chloe all make up-ed
our captain :) so lazy
sleeping baba/socks/alibaba/jacelyn/samasama/apa

wendy mac!
me and naomi :)
the super funny captain :)the bill at swensons(only one table)
i never existed did i?
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gym stuff for comps!
Wednesday, April 15, 20096:00 PM
Today me narelle and naomi(shimada) came to my house do the gym thing and we wanted to do in school then suddenly ended up doing at my house.during lunch we were discussing the nicest food places:
macs - fries
CARLS JR. - burgers
KFC - chicken
burger king - onion rings
then in the bus was so crowded when we were 1 stop away :( lucky we went to the door quickly then they said this sandwich joke that we all dun understand then when we walking to the door that time narelle was like hey u know that sandwich joke? do u get it? i dont. then we all dint know. then i laughed non stop when narelle did something funny...i shall not talk about it if not she kill me.we made the nicst GO IJ board ever!!! and the ribbons we bought for $8 something was alot of ribbons put together by SCOTCHTAPE!!!!! cheat our money :( still owe naomi money xP
some pics of the wonderful work of ours:
the pretty letters :)
our fantastic exclamation mark!!!so nice!



cheapskate ribbons!!!


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gym trials!
Tuesday, April 14, 200910:19 PM
today was a super gym day! went to school after assembly go yishun test the mat. the mat is so soft!!! but so hard to turn =( anyway we saw the mary mount ppl and their c div free hand is so cute! then our turn was quite boring jus do and rest and do then st theresa came and their b div group did the merry go round same as st nichs! then after them st nichs came saw siow pin! her clubs so nice!!!until maryann said that the sweat will stick to it.after the boring trials went back to school had a uber long lunch break then me and narelle were suppose to buy things for the GO IJ board cause theres no banner tomorrow need stay back =( and we were stuck in school until 215 cause we're not allowed to leave till 215!!! then we asked naomi to follow :) so fun we were culculating how much we spent.then naomi bought so many markers and we wrote naomi loves steven all over the plastic back :p so fun. and beatrice drew the G the wrong way!after that did more routines and continued with it. I LOVE THE EXCLAMATION MARK!!! ITS SO NICE XD then went to class and my books were all over the floor...same as last time...then we stuffed the board into the big locker and narelle and chloe couldnt put it in. i manage to squeeze it in :)

bye~its late xD

comps in 2 days
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boring weekends :(
Sunday, April 12, 20099:17 PM
yesturday just stayed at home whole day doing nothing :( my mum was busy with this volunteer work yesturday and today :( yesturday she only reach home at like 11 or 12 midnight and i was sleeping in my brothers room with the archies in my hand.

today had to take bus to tuition :( met edlyn at macs in tpy then bought fries and lemon tea. sorry edlyn ate all your fries X_X tuition was boring as usual did the compre and fill in the blank thing. then take bus back to tpy with edlyn and the jacket guy then edlyn went to buy her shoe and i took 159 jacket guy took 31. reach home at like 6pm! havent dont zhou ji :( tonight then i go do =p


happy birthday justina~
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home econs!!!maths!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 20098:31 PM
OMG 2 tests today!maths and home econs and maths was so hard!!! i left 2 questions half done :( worst paper i did so far!!!and home econs was bad mrs lim ate the worse one instead of the nicer one! and nicole thong and samantha and chewy ate the 6 rolls!!!is asparagus really that nice? i find it yuck xD and my sweet potato was actually done in 15minutes when it was suppose to be done in 30minutes! :) so lucky! SAMANTHA I LIKE UR LEMON TEA!!!
had to carry the whole giant bag of things up to the indoor sports hall! so heavy!stupid plates! science test on thursday :( hope its easier :)


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carnival =)
Sunday, April 5, 20097:10 PM
this morning, went to AJC family day carnival with mum and cousin cause she stayed over. quite ok but was so hot :(
i like the chocolate cereal :) so yummy!
then sarah went to play this ball game and she won a lollipop!then went up to find keith and bought 2 badges!then went to find charlene and met her at the milo truck :) the milo was awesome!so cooling :) her stall was a bouncy castle!then found the haunted house but dint go. then saw adeline and her friends :) went to buy seaweed chicken after that and ended up buying seaweed chicken,nuggets and sprite!very yummy!then went to sit at this row of tables while mum go buy food.she came back with malted candy!but it was so watery :( i twirled it for so long then finally eat :) very very very super duper sweet!sarah dropped hers on the plastic bag once she got it.

after carnival went chinese tuition :(
and edlyn wasnt there :( sick person u should just go! i was so lonely! wrote some weird compo and mine was crap. then went to buy drink after that :) peach tea!!!and the irritating flies were flying everywhere!kill them!went home after that and did home econs the desert recipe thing. still need do file :(


carnival rides
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